A single substance to effectively absorb a variety
of heavy metals

Metal Grid A

Achieving treatment of selenium, fluorine, boron and chromium VI with a single substance.
Form and composition can be customized to meet the requirements of intended use.

Produced by
Daifuku Kogyo Co., Ltd.

Do you have problems with treating soil or water contaminated with heavy metals and harmful substances?

During civil engineering work, you may encounter soil and water with excessive amounts of heavy metals and other contaminants.
It cannot be reused as landfill or disposed of with any process, therefore it must be transported to treatment facilities where the harmful substances are removed. This causes various issues including higher costs, longer project timeline and increased workload.

Metal Grid A:
a single substance to solve multiple problems

  1. Treatment of various heavy metals with one single substance reduces cost.
  2. Customizable form, composition and concentration for increased work efficiency.
  3. Possibility of reusing the contaminated soil and water, which decreases processing costs and workload.
Metal Grid A

Benefits of Metal Grid A

1.Treatment of selenium, fluorine, boron, and chromium VI, which has been difficult, is now possible with a single substance

Equilibrium adsorption test

(amount of substances absorbed, when it is equivalent to the soil leaching standards during the equilibrium absorption test)

Absorbents Arsenic V Selenium IV Selnium VI Lead Cadmium Chromium VI Fluorine Boron
Our conventional absorbent 1.5mg/g 1.2mg/g 0.5mg/g 2.0mg/g 1.4mg/g - - -
Metal Grid A 10.0mg/g 4.5mg/g 4.5mg/g 4.0mg/g 1.5mg/g 6.5mg/g 3.5mg/g 1.5mg/g

Absorption of arsenic, selenium, lead, cadmium, chromium, fluorine and boron

Absorption of arsenic, selenium, lead, cadmium, chromium, fluorine and boron

2.Customizable form, composition, concentration and more

As it is possible to adjust the form, composition and concentration for each usage, it not only exhibits excellent adsorption capabilities but is also easy to handle, reducing workload. It can be used over a wide pH range of 4 to 12 and is less affected by rainfall, making it effective in various sites where soil and water purification is needed.

Powder form
Powder form
For contaminated soil remediation
Method: adsorption layer method, dosage 30 kg/m³ or more
For contaminated water remediation
Method: purification plant, dosage 0.2 kg/m³ or more
For groundwater remediation
Method: Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB), dosage 50 kg/m³ or more.
Granular form
Granular form
For contaminated water remediation
Method: purification plant, dosage 0.2 kg/m³ or more.
For groundwater remediation
Method: Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB), dosage 50 kg/m³ or more.
Liquid form
Liquid form
For contaminated water remediation
Method: purification plant, dosage 0.2 kg/m³ or more.

3.Significant cost and labor reduction

The Metal Grid A is available at a reasonable price, as the main ingredients are silica, aluminum oxide, magnesium and other materials. In addition, since it can be filtered without electricity, operation costs are reduced.
Furthermore, since the soil and water containing harmful substances that exceeds standards can be recycled after purification, the total cost is more greatly reduced when compared to the disposal process.

Low cost thanks to no electricity required
Low cost thanks to no electricity required
Soil and water with excessive amount of substances can be recycled
Soil and water with excessive amounts of substances can be recycled

Other products by Daifuku Kogyo

Proud manufacturer: Daifuku Kogyo Co., Ltd.

Contributing to the local community with sincere, trustworthy services.

Since our establishment in 1958, Daihuku Kogyo has whole-heartedly contributed to the local community through quality products and trustworthy services, as we continue to grow and expand our business.
The Metal Grid A solves pollution problems at construction sites.
Thanks to its unique composition, which absorbs a variety of heavy metals, constructions that are both human and environmentally friendly are possible.

We will continue our efforts to constantly improve our technologies and to quickly respond to changes in the ever-diversifying society, in order to create a prosperous future and contribute to our clients’ businesses while aiming for growth of our company.

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Company profile

Company name Daifuku Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Home page https://www.daifuku-izumo.co.jp/
Outline of business Civil engineering, architecture, scaffolding, stonework, piping, tile/brick/block work, steel structures, paving, dredging, painting, landscaping, water supply facilities, demolition work, etc.
Date of establishment 1958
Capital 30,000,000 yen
Number of employees 89 (as of January 2023)

The Metal Grid A and Hydro Vanguard are products of the Mizukankyo Engineering Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Daifuku Kogyo Co., Ltd.

Company name Mizukankyo Engineering Co., Ltd.
Home page https://www.hydro-eg.asia/index.html
Date of establishment 2015
Capital 20,000,000 yen

For inquiries, please contact Overseas Expansion Support Office, Shimane Prefectural Government: kaigai-tenkai@pref.shimane.lg.jp

Daifuku Kogyo Co., Ltd.